Get Your Cash Quickly
It is frustrating and challenging to face a problem like having an unwanted property. You can avoid the headache of that property fast by just getting rid of it quickly! Rather than waiting months, you’ll have cash on hand within weeks without paying any more utility bills, taxes, insurance payments, mortgage payments- you get the drill. If you wait 90+ odd days for your house to sell using traditional methods and closeout… you’re going to need all those costs as well as holding fees from listing agents because while they are trying their best at marketing your home (and if we know them) doing what needs must – there’s no way around it. Time takes its toll when attracting buyers. These houses go stale after such an extended period.
No Fixings Needed
Most people want to buy a new house and not fix or clean one. We don’t care how dirty your place is. We’ve seen worse! There’s no need for you to hassle with cleaning up the mess time after time – let us do that for you while you get ready to start fresh in your next home. Don’t hesitate because this offer won’t last forever!
No Hassle Experience
Are you fed up with all of the time-consuming and expensive steps involved in selling your home? Baton Rouge Cash Home Buyers is here to save the day. We make it easy for homeowners like yourself by taking care of everything from start to finish, including paying any closing costs or encumbrances on a property. With our no-hassle experience coupled with saving money (on commissions, fees, and holding costs) while waiting for traditional real estate avenues, many choose us as their go-to solution! Check out this article that discusses how we can help today’s sellers and tomorrow’s buyers too!
Here at Baton Rouge Cash Home Buyers we don’t use bank financing so you don’t have to worry about our ability to close on a deal.